Diets and weight loss - Health and fitness

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Get Real About Permanent Weight Loss

Double chins and beer bellies did not develop overnight. The fact is they developed over a long period of time so you should not think that you can lose the extra poundage overnight or over a week end.

The best approach to lose that extra weight is over an extended time. A realistic goal is to lose one (1) to (2) pounds each week. You need to refocus and develop a healthy lifestyle. This means to eat the right foods along with smaller portion sizes. Take a little time and find out what a reasonable portion size is.

It is advisable to add the nasty "E" word to your daily life. Exercise is a natural component of a healthy lifestyle and in losing weight. There are many different courses or programs that are available but you need to choose one that fits within your schedule and busy life.

It is not a matter of making time to exercise; you have to take the time. It may sound selfish but your body is what has taken you though life so far; are you going to choose a sports model or a clunker to finish the trip? This is an important decision that each of us must make so do you take the easy way out and say "why bother" or do you get serious about getting healthy. We only go around once so why not go in style?

Losing weight can be done by setting aside three (3) days a week and spending three (3) to four (4) hours for the whole week. There are several good programs that can set you on the right path to success and get your weight down to where you want.

The best weight loss programs combine exercise along with a healthy diet and realistic guide lines that you can incorporate into your everyday life. To get a permanent weight loss you need to adapt yourself to a healthy life style.

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