Diets and weight loss - Health and fitness

Monday, October 21, 2013

Biggest Weight Loss Mistakes - What Not to Do When You Need to Lose Weight

Ever wondered what mistakes to avoid to lose weight easier and faster? Read on, here is a complete short list of the biggest weight loss mistakes.

1) Avoiding breakfast. This is THE BIGGEST mistake people make. See, breakfast is the meal of the day. To say that it is important for losing weight would be an understatement. It is ESSENTIAL. By not eating breakfast, people slow down the metabolism, which is extremely important for weight loss.

If you are a breakfast skipper because you feel like you are not hungry in the morning, make sure you eat just a little bit of something, That will help a lot. A banana or a couple of apples, cottage cheese with raisins, or oatmeal. Even a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice will be better than nothing. You MUST eat breakfast if you want to lose weight.


2) Not drinking enough water. Water is essential. It cleanses the body, speeds up the metabolic rate, and keeps your body and skin hydrated. To lose weight effectively, you need to get at least 10 glasses of water every single day. Many people who struggle being overweight, get around 3-5 glasses of water a day and believe this will be enough.

No, it`s not enough.

10 glasses at least. Soups, coffees, sodas and other drinks not included. Just plain water. Or, if you need some taste, just squeeze some lemon juice. Lemon helps to make digestive system function properly, thus making it easier to lose the unwanted pounds.

For More Related Topics Blog: Easy And Fast Ways To Lose Weight

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