Diets and weight loss - Health and fitness

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

How Do I Jump Start My Weight Loss Without Doing Crazy Things?

I am going to share tips that I recommend to my clients who ask me, "how do I jump start my weight loss?" If your weight loss is happening too slow you can be frustrated and feel like you will have to resort to some crazy fad dieting in order to speed things up but this is simply not true. You can lose weight fast and safely with the right strategy and this article shares that strategy, if you are curious then I encourage you to take 2 minutes of your time right now to read on.

How Do I Jump Start My Weight Loss?

1. Boost your metabolism with a booster meal. The problem many people run into is that they unintentionally slowed their metabolism by staying on too low of a calorie intake for too long. Your body is quick to adapt to new routines so this low-cal diet probably worked pretty well at first but then you notice your weight not dropping as quick.

To jump start your diet again you need to recharge your metabolism and this is easily done by treating yourself to one booster meal. This is a high calorie meal that can include your favorite foods and while you will enjoy the meal, your body is enjoying the calories and raising your metabolism.

2. Add intensity to jump start your exercise. You can also boost your metabolism with the right type of exercise. By adding burst of intensity to your workout you maximize your body's fat burning potential. Here is how.

Start out with a short warm-up working at a moderate pace then steadily increase your pace each minute until you reach your maximum effort, drop down to the moderate pace to catch your breathe and then climb back up again. Your workout will be complete in 20 minutes.

If you are asking yourself, "How do I jump start my weight loss?" Then these tips will get you to your goal without having to resort to any gimmicks or tricks.

For More Related Topics Blog: Unexplained Weight Loss

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